Claro Walnut

(Juglans Hindsii)

OTHER COMMON NAMES:  Flamed Walnut, Figured Walnut, California Walnut, California Black Walnut, Oregon Walnut, Oregon Black Walnut, West Coast Walnut.
Note:  West Coast Walnut includes a smorgasbord of species & crossbreeds sometimes difficult to classify. Claro (from the Spanish word ‘Clear’) is the common name for this group of Walnuts.


Exhibition Grade  Flamed  Walnut (Broad Flame)
Highly Figured  Flamed Walnut (Narrow Flame)
Highly Figured  Flamed Walnut
Flamed  Walnut
OriginPacific Northwest (California-Oregon)
Avg. Weight (@ 6-8% moisture)3.1 Lbs per Bd. Ft.
Weight ClassificationMedium Light
Where Used on Smith BassesTops & Backs (Elite Series Mainly)
Tone Produced on Smith BassesPunchy Bass w/Clear Mids & Highs
Grades Available (in stock):Medium Figure thru Exhibition Grade
Stock AvailabilityLow Figured thru Highly Figured
Avg. Age of Wood in Stock15-20 Years Acclaimed (Kiln & Air Dried)

*Premium “Exhibition Grade” is extremely rare call for $ and availability.